Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blue Rose Bodywork

The Blue Rose appeared to me when I doodled as a 12 year old with some colored pencils and crayons. I traced a rose from this cup that held pens and things in it and on the back there were words that said “happy trails” so it’s ironic that this cup led on a jouney. I felt in this meditative state that happens when doodling, a connection to this glowing rose within me. It was not a typical red rose though, but a sky blue. I wanted to really create the rose with this soft sky blue from my diverse box of crayons, then I used some sparkling silver nail polish to accentuate the glowing I felt within me. The blue rose represented the perfect place of compassion and wholeness within me. It represented that which I wanted to connect with on spiritual level. I sought within me to know a personal truth of my existence, indeed all existence, as unity, love. This almost impossible attainment of joy is what the blue rose represented for me. It blossomed in my high heart.

The high heart is where our spiritual essence sits and connects with divine intelligence. Awakening to the true divinity within all enables us to live at a joyous level. Our Higher Self can be invited to come into the body and thus the connection with the light body becomes more and more apparent. It is my intention to help each client to remember that place within them that is whole and perfect. Once we can touch this heart centered place of being there is an understanding that we often lack in our day to day existence. When we can go within to find the ever abiding source of love and joy, we can express the knowledge that we are safe and nothing can ever happen to us that can take from us our connection to Source, the Tao, God-dess, Creator, Allah- by whichever name you resonate. So the goal of Blue Rose Bodywork is to help as many as possible remember the path back to their natural state of inner peace and wholeness. This brings that light out into the bodies, minds, emotions, and creative projects in the world.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Playfulness, the Unsung Healer

Massage is an opportunity to come into a deep presence in your body. I find many people think massage needs to hurt in order for things to get better. A golden rule of one ir my teachers I like to follow is no, "pain, no pain"! But true, sometimes we need a little o-OM-ph to shake up our perspective. This gives us the chane to reconnect closer to our whole existence, our whole power and our whole potential. With each breath we are given the opportunity to enjoy the now moment. With each in breath we breathe in the highest intention of peace, love, and happiness- and with each out breath we are thankful for the ability to create and send love each day. By breathing awareness into the body we embrace our innate wholeness and rest in the knowledge we are perfect just as we are. We can forgive the past and move forward with a knowing of what nourishes us and what brings us pleasure.


What is Reiki?

Reiki my friends is a high vibration within the energy field used for healing and releasing blockages. We know from experience that in our lives our thoughts, words and behaviors can become imprinted in our physical bodies and our energetic bodies. At times we may become tied up and unable to flow with the direction we want to create in life. This often happens when we are not tapping into our own connection with Divine Intelligence. With the frequency of the Unity consciousness remembered a balance and restoration can be called upon simply by intending to. With Reiki treatment I act as a clear vessel for the high vibrational energies to descend and flow where the divine assistance is most needed. It acts on all levels- the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual to clear and move stagnant places in the body. Reiki can have many different effects and bring up different sensations for people. It can feel very subtle and then a twitch will suddenly change something. Some times people feel an emotional healing and release tears. Some people find themselves completely relaxed and enter an altered state of consciousness, dreamlike some say. Now the Reiki energy is multi-dimensional also in that it works on the present, past and future levels.

Similar Energy concepts to come include: Calling the Ki with Thai/Shiatsu, Bringing in the Light Body, Earth Heart Meditations, Merging with the Beloved Twin Flame, Pyramid Chamber Healing, Chakra Balancing Meditations, and More...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ascended Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul


Everything is made up of frequencies (different vibrations) of energy as are each of the twelve rays now on earth. Working with each Color Ray Frequency you can
assimilate the frequency while clearing blocks and boundaries leading to your ascension. Know that you already work within all the frequencies already and this
information is provided as a tool for your conscious choice to move beyond all limitation and into the Unity Consciousness.

I offer meditations as an example to call on the Rays for transformation. Please change the wording as you feel called to for yourself. It helps to be in a meditative
state, with your heart open, when you invoke the energies of the Rays for transformation.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you in total connection.


Red is the color of the first ray and it rules Power and Will and is very dynamic and thrusting energy and is the means by which you advance into new territory. It
breaks down the old and makes way for the new. Ray One energy can discipline a situation. It can balance the unlimited extension of a situation that has gone past
its appropriate point to be brought back into perfect balance.

The first ray qualities are leadership and discernment, strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness, fearlessness, power of ruling, capacity to grasp great
questions in a large minded way, and of handling people. From working with this ray you acquire tenderness, humility, sympathy, tolerance, and patience.

"I call on the First Ray of Power and Will to merge and integrate with self in the highest frequency and I release everything that is no longer in alignment with my
divine will. So Be It."


Blue is the color of the second ray wisdom and love. A balance must be struck between the restrictive qualities of the first ray and the allowingness of the second
ray. They naturally balance each other so it can be used to balance the harshness of overuse of the first ray.
All the great teachers have contained must of this unconditional divine universal love. They have literally applied the second ray to raise humanity to another level in
a situation. The higher mental-conceptual areas are also reached through this ray. The Universal Mind can be entered by means of the Blue Ray.

The Christ, Maitreya and the Buddha were both on the second ray, as were most of the great world teachers. Djwhal Khul is a second ray teacher as is His teacher,
the Master Kuthumi.

"I call on the Second Ray of Wisdom and Love to merge and integrate with self in the highest frequency and I release everything that is no longer in alignment with
divine wisdom and love. So Be It."


Yellow colored third ray of concrete intelligence. Many of the great healers of the world have a lot of third ray energies. Healing upon this ray is more than a
physical healing and raising to its heights, it can be used for holistic healing and teaching. People how have much third ray energies are always very practical.
When you urgently need something done and you want it organized very well, ask a third-ray person to do it for you. Persistence is a key trait.

This rays qualities are sincerity of purpose, clear intellect, capacity for concentration on philosophic studies, patience, caution, absence of the tendency to worry
over small matters. The gifts acquired are sympathy, tolerance, devotion, accuracy energy and common sense.

"I call on the Third Ray Concrete Intelligence to merge and integrate with self in the highest frequency and I release everything that is no longer in alignment with
divine Concrete Intelligence. So Be It."


Green is the color of the fourth ray is Harmony through Conflict and it is associated with the earth and is the foundation for what lies ahead. This ray is called
harmony through conflict because we must learn to bring in the lower three rays harmoniously to use the fourth ray at its highest vibration. The great artists,
musicians and dancers come from this ray - all the beings who harmoniously create earth living.

The fourth ray is connected with the emotional body and solar plexus chakra. It is also very connected with physical existence. The fourth ray also has a very
reflective quality which, in a sense, forces one to look at what one hasn't finished or completed yet. In this sense it reacts rather like a mirror.

The fourth ray qualities are strong affections, sympathy, physical courage, generosity, quickness of intellect and perception. The gifts acquired are serenity,
confidence, self control, purity, unselfishness, accuracy, mental and moral balance.

"I call on the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict to merge and integrate with self in the highest frequency and I release everything that is no longer in alignment
with divine Harmony. So Be It."


Orange - The ray of pure intelligence, and upon this ray function the great scientists of the world - those with the intelligence to penetrate deeply to the cause of a
situation. They can analyze a situation, take it apart and put it back together, synthesize it, and know the best way to productively undertake a venture.

They are the ones who do the conceptual work in the world. They conceive it and others bring it into being. They have the ability to conceptualize life as it would be
most productive to live it. Without this great ray, such possibilities could not be understood. This ray allows this type of understanding.

The qualities of the fifth ray are justice, common sense, uprightness, independence, keen intellect. The gifts acquired are reverence, devotion, sympathy, love,

"I call on the Fifth Ray of Pure Intelligence to merge and integrate with self in the highest frequency and I release everything that is no longer in alignment with divine
Pure Intelligence. So Be It."


Indigo color is the sixth ray, the ray of devotion. It is the one that has been present during the 2000 years of the Christian era. This perspective focused part of this
ray allows you to experience something with great intensity. You become very devoted to it. You can attune to this ray and experience the Creator in a joyous,
emotional, intense way.

The qualities of the sixth ray are devotion, single-mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, loyalty, reverence. The gifts acquired are strength, self-sacrifice, purity,
truth, tolerance, serenity, balance and common sense.

"I call on the Sixth Ray of Devotion to merge and integrate with self in the highest frequency and I release everything that is no longer in alignment with divine
Devotion. So Be It."


Violet - Often called the Violet Flame - the transmuting flame is the doorway to the higher frequencies of light and ascension. The seventh ray is now more
intensely setting in motion events to enable us to reach the highest frequencies of light. This beautiful transmuting energy is seen often in auras of those who have
entered the doorway to truth.

The qualities of the seventh ray are strength, perseverance, courage, courtesy, extreme care in details, self-reliance. The gifts acquired are realization of unity,
wide-mindedness, tolerance, humility, gentleness and love.

"I call on the Seventh Ray of Transmutation to merge and integrate with self in the highest frequency and I release everything that is no longer in alignment with my
Divine Plan. So Be It."


Luminous Green-Violet color is a cleansing ray that assists you to cleanse and release old patterns of behavior and characteristics that are not productive for
you and, therefore no longer appropriate.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I call into self the Eighth Ray of Luminous Green-Violet to cleanse and release old patterns that
are no longer appropriate for me to keep. " Thank you.


Luminous Blue-Green color is the Joy ray and is connected with your light body and assists you to establish contact with it using the christed part of yourself to
assist. The light body is recognized and becomes available when you attune to this light blue-green luminosity. You recognize it, and joyfully you acknowledge your
own true divinity enabling the joy level to come into self and thus the connection with the light body becomes more and more apparent.

"I call on the Creator and my christed self, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I call into self the Ninth Ray of Luminous Blue-Green connecting now to my
light body. " Thank you.

Luminous Pearl-Gray color (silver) assists you to truly recognize The Divinity of who you are when you meditate on this ray. The divine pattern is truly
established, truly connected by means of the tenth ray. Focus and let it be your hearts desire to establish this pattern strongly knowing that it is becoming a part of
your conscious reality, and use this pearl-gray luminosity as the connecting point.

Along with meditation you can call for assistance by saying "I call on the Creator and my christed self, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I call into self
the Tenth Ray of Luminous Pearl-Gray connecting me to all information and light now. " Thank you.


Luminous Pink-Light Orange is the ray of Service and is the threshold on the upward spiral to your divine self ascension on the earth now. It is the means by which
your pattern of divinity is actually coded into the physical. This ray enables you to lock in the changes you are seeking. Use this ray to achieve integration with your
Divine Self merging masculine and feminine polarities - using the Gold and Silver rays for this is the Key that lets you go over the threshold and solidly into the
twelfth ray and total merging.

In meditation you can call for assistance by saying "I call on the Creator and my christed self, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I call into self the
Eleventh Ray of Luminous Pink-Light Orange connecting me the highest vibrational light frequency now. " Thank you.


Luminous Gold is called the Golden ray and is the summit of the higher rays it is the culmination of all the lower rays merging into oneness with the Divine self. You
will be walking in two worlds, earth and the etheric realms. What that means is that you will know what you are doing here on the esoteric level and joyfully will full
immerse yourself in your Divine Mission. This is a creational Ray so that you are actively creating your world on a highly conscious level. Creating the "Golden Age"
as you would like to see it now. Have fun with it.

In meditation you can call for assistance by saying "I call on the Creator and my christed self, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I call into self the
Twelfth Ray of Luminous Gold connecting me in total oneness and complete remembrance with the Creator Source, all that is, now. " Thank you.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Radical Forgiveness

With every experience that happens to us, we remember and create a trust. An endless trust we can access for an understanding of divine love. How can we say we love all mankind when we hold onto grudges? How can we say we forgive when we still hold those in judgment and contempt those who have seemingly wronged us? How can we move forward if we do not honor our willingness to let the past hurts go and accept the lessons of radical forgiveness?

So much of what we go through is darkness and pain stored in our memories and DNA, expressing itself in out lives. What we feel and think deep down expresses itself over and over again. When we can acknowledge the situations in our past which have tried to convince us we were less than perfect love and light, we realize we survived! We know now that we are of the perfection in every way of our evolution. Our future and the future of our children can prosper from the understanding and wisdom that we all are here for learning. We are both the teachers and the masters of hard lessons. Some love is tough to learn about. The faster we find the jewel within the darkness, the sooner we find our passage way to the other side of anger and resentment. In this higher way of living we let go past hurts and thank God/Goddess that we learned compassion. Now we are free to live in alignment with what is WHOLE-Y.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Law of One

This one goes out to all you self-searchin'.
Searchin' for answers to the way you can be your best.
I come here to tell you give it a rest.
Yes, I say give up that itch
It's time you found your niche.

Because when you find that peace of mind,
You know, when you are thriving
And jiving in your community
That's where you find unity.

You find yourself in your ability to respond.
You take on new identity
In your responsibility.
Respond to your pulse.
Respond and you will find a jolst-
A jolst to the system
Which lets you be here now unlike never before,
And we're not talking folklore.

When you learn to give and receive
From an endless trust in a universe that favors life,
And sharing with others your light-
Your unique vibration can culminate to end all strife.

You wanna do your best
And ace all the tests-
But are you aligning with your Greater Self?
Or are you putting greater potential on the shelf?

Connect with your wisdom
Enlighten ALL your DNA and be here now in the quantum.
Give up your search for greener pastures
And open your eyes to the present pleasures.

Realize your classmates and you
Pulsate to the Law of One.
Your inner search leads to the crystalline vibration.
Here is where the gates must be passed through.

On the other side
You remember your self guide.
You remember with ease and grace
That nothing was ever misplaced.

Each experience of pain
Brought a new flavor to your game.
Now in this new self guide
You remember it's all been a joyride.

You look around and see Paradise
Clear of all the fear, doubts, and lies.
Give your small outdated system a rest
And step in to the land of the blessed!